Ajai and Bikhu of The Rejang Tribe

Sembilan clan
Sembilan Clan

The Rejang Tribe's Ajai and Bikhu

Starting with a straightforward question, "Who, where, when, and at what time," the history of the Rejang tribe is highly fascinating to examine. However, some historical hypotheses explain this history despite providing only hazy justifications and proof.

The Rejang ethnic group Renah Selangkawi, also known as Pinang Belapis, was centered in the region (present Lebong Regency) during a time when Palembang was still referred to as "Selebar Daun" and Bengkulu as "Limau Nipis" or "Sungai Serut." The Rejang Tribe group divided its area into 4 clans at this period, each descended from a different Petulai or Jurai tribe (descendants). Each of these four Petulas' heads is referred to as "Ajai." There are four Ajai.

  • Ajai Bintang
  • Ajai Siang 
  • Ajai Gileng Mato
  • Ajai Teak Keteko

Out of the four Petulai, or clans, the monarch, also known as "Pesirah," which means the Head of the People in Sanskrit, was in charge of regulating the formulation of customary laws to live by at the time.

The Majapahit Kingdom, which was exceedingly successful at the period and which ruled over the archipelago, including the Sumatra archipelago, first had an impact on the Rejang community by establishing the first Pesirah, which was as follows:

  • Bikhu Sepanjang Jiwo (Tubai)
  • Bikhu Bermano (Bermani)
  • Bikhu Bembo (Juru Kalang)
  • Bikhu Bejenggo (Selupu)

From Bikhu Sepanjang Jiwo rose to the throne and was succeeded by his descendants, Rajo Megat and King Mawang, who were linked to Ratu Agung, the ruler of the "Sungai Serut" Kingdom, via blood.

The spread of Islam in Indonesia starting in the 13th century, which began in the 8th century, was inextricably linked to the introduction of Islam to Bengkulu. There have been numerous Islamic kingdoms on Sumatra itself, including the Samudra Pasai empire in Aceh. Ali Zainal Abidin bin Al Husain bin Ali Bin Abi Talib's grandson, Imam Maulana Ichsad, was born in 1336.On January 5, 1336 M/18 Jumadil Awwal 736 H, he arrived at Bandar Sungai Serut. In Bengkulu, he was a pioneer in the introduction of the Tabot ritual. Later, on April 12, 1336 M/21 Sha'ban 736 Hijriah, Sheikh Abdurrahman, who was in the same group as Imam Maulana, passed away and was buried in Bengkulu.

A Da'i from Aceh named Tengku Malim Muhidin visited the lematang Ulu region of Sungai Serut in 1417 and was successful in converting Ratu Agung, the king of the Sungai Serut Kingdom, to Islam. This proves that Islam has had an impact on the coastal regions of Bengkulu.

best wishes (cited from a number of sources)