The Rejang tribe's beginnings

The Rejang tribe's beginnings
Kejei Dance

The Rejang tribe's way of expressing culture includes many elements such as history, language, script, knowledge system, social organization, equipment system, livelihood and technology, and religious and artistic system. The Kejei Ceremony is one of the arts in the Rejang community that has been preserved to this day.

This Kejei is a celebration of the Rejang people's grand festivities or major events, such as nikah (kemtuk), khitanan (temtok puguk), stabbing (piercing), and releasing intentions or oaths (mpas sot sangei). The Kejei Ceremony begins with an accompaniment dance, but in order to carry out the activity, a process that is decided together must be followed, in the Rejang tradition, which has its own system of government and law known as Kutei.

The Rejang tribe is one of the oldest tribes on the island of Sumatra historically, the Rejang tribe's development is divided into two parts: ancient and modern Rejang history, which narrated the spread of the Rejang community from Pinang Belapis. According to some sources, Rhe Jang Hyang was the tribe's founder (who came from Mongolia).

The Rejang tribe was so named because, when they first arrived, Rhe Jang Hyang led them via the western road from the north. They were able to subsist with basic tools and moved around, lived in caves, or built tiny homes called shavings.

Rhe Jang Hyang led them from the north across the western route at the start of his arrival. They used to move, or live in caves, or build small cottages called shavings, and they were able to survive with basic tools. After spending so many years in the forest, They eventually settled in the Napal Putih area of North Bengkulu, establishing the village of Kutai Nuak. Rhe Jang Hyang is said to have died at the age of 120, and his grandson, I Daey Lian, is said to have led a new place called Kutai Pinang Belapis.

Kutei initially came from Kutei Pinang Belapis, and the centre of power at that time existed in the region between Lebong and Kerinci Regencies. Kutai Pinang Belapis has evolved from numerous parts of living patterns while being led by I Daey Lian. However, Daey Lian's first leadership lasted only 67 years before he died, and the top of the leadership was replaced by Suto Da Eng.

Many disagreements arose during Suto Da Eng's leadership because his policies were deemed too harsh. Suto Da Eng altered the leadership system and pattern established by the previous administration. As a result, the people of Pinang Belapis must live independently and are unable to rely on other groups. Suto Da Eng eventually migrated (according to various sources, Suto Da Eng migrated to the Borneo region), and the leadership was later replaced by Jun Jung Bumay.

Furthermore, as the kingdom of Pinang Belapis grew, all descendants of the Rhe Jang Hyang family were referred to as "Jang" or tun jang, according to Rhe Jang Hyang's daily call, a nickname that settled and had its own territory. This tun Jang tribe was later known as the Rejang tribe.

May be useful, and please accept my apologies for any oversight or poor speech. (from several sources) stabik magea udi sedayo ne,.wassalam.