Research on the Rejang Tribe

research on the Rejang Tribe

Research on the origins and customs of the Rejang Tribe has also been carried out by researchers including William Marsden with his book "History of Sumatra" in 1977, Hazairin with his dissertation "De Rejang" in 1932 (publication of De Rejang's book in Dutch), M. A Yaspan, an Australian National University scholar with his work "From Patriliny to Matriliny: Structural Change Amongst The Rejang of Southwest Sumatra" in 1961-1963. Muhammad Hoesin wrote a text about "Tambo and Adat Rejang Tiang IV" in 1932, Richard Mc Ginn a Professor at Ohio University USA, in 2006, which focused on the origins of the Rejang Tribe, and Zayadi Hamzah, with his dissertation entitled "Islam in Local Cultural Perspective, Study on Ritual Life Cycle of Rejang Tribe Family in Rejang Lebong Regency "in 2010.

Abdullah Siddik (1980) conducted another research on Rejang Lebong adat in his book "Hukum Adat Rejang". Likewise, researchers conducted by Pesirah Abdul Sani (1983), regarding "Jurai Adat Rejang". This research explores the guidelines for implementing customary law as a very valuable heirloom. However, the research conducted by Abdullah Siddik and Abdul Sani is descriptive in nature, which does not show how the impact of customary law on community development.

Likewise, research conducted by Muhammad Yusuf Jenidam (1986) on the ways of applying according to the Rejang community, with the research title "Ca-0 Ca-0 Mengasen Ite Tun Jang". It was continued by Mahyudin Tuib (1997), who examined the customs of marriage, dance, song, and music of Jang Pat Petulai. Sukarman Syarnubi (1999) examines the meaning of the symbol of the Rejang Lebong wedding ceremony. M. Abdi (2000) Thesis at Diponegoro University Semarang. "The Role of Rejang Community (Kutei) Traditional Customary Institutions in Crime Resolution", this research concludes that the role of the Rejang community's traditional customary institutions (Kutei) as an informal institution that can resolve non-punishment is still recognized and maintained. Kadirman (2004) about Ireak Ca'o Kutei Jang and research by Syafrudin (2004) in the form of a thesis at IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang. "Patang as a method of Moral Education and Maintaining the Benefit of the Rejang Lebong Community". ("Patang sebagai metode Pendidikan Akhlak Dan Menjaga Kemaslahatan Masyarakat Rejang Lebong".)

Research by William Marsden Hazairin, Muhammad Hoesien, Yaspan, and Zayadi has not clearly revealed the origins of the ancestors of the Rejang Tribe. Their research found that the Rejang tribe originated from the rear of India (Vietnam peninsula). Inspired by the ancestors of the Indonesian people who came from boat people from India, who were looking for new areas in the archipelago. Their research states that the Rejang tribe comes from four groups of people who live in the Lebong area led by the Ajai.

Meanwhile, research by Richard Mc Ginn (2006) states that the ancestors of the Rejang tribe came from Tonkin Indochina. They moved to Sumatra via Kalimantan sailing towards Sarawak (North Kalimantan) about 1200 years ago. Some of them settled there and continued to use the Rejang language there was even a river called the Rejang River. From Sarawak, they sailed past the island of Bangka Belitung to the Musi river, then diverted right to the Rawas river until they reached the upper reaches of the Rawas area. Some live in this area and some sail along the Rawas river to the upper Tapus mountain, and settle there.

Geographically, the Rejang tribe can be categorized into two parts, namely the Coastal Rejang and the Inland or mountainous Rejang. The inland Rejang tribe occupies the original area, namely Lebong and Rejang Lebong, now the development of the Rejang tribe is also marked by trade relations with British trade who came to the coastal region of Bengkulu around the end of the VII century. Currently, the Rejang tribe is developing and spreading to various areas in Lebong, Rejang Lebong, Kepahiang, North Bengkulu, South Bengkulu, and to the South Sumatra region, namely Lahat and Musi Rawas Regencies.

That's all and Thank you, hopefully useful (quoted from various sources).